www.avrfreaks.net - best AVR community on the web and a great bunch of guys...
www.ui.savba.sk/pcb/index_sk.html - my supplier of PCBs...good prices.
www.powerlabs.org - home of a guru on insane projects...must see.
http://www.electronics-lab.com - a site with load of schematics, interesting stuff
http://www.eevblog.com/forum/ - great electronics forum
https://www.elektrolab.eu/ - an electronics trade side
www.venganza.org - my church...It's more of a protest against inteligent design and stupid religions....
www.eviloverlord.com/lists/overlord.html - the list of things I'll stick to when I'm in control of the world...BWAHAHAHHA!!!!
www.fei.stuba.sk - my old school
www.posterus.sk - an interesting web for publishing scientific papers in Slovak language